Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas beaucoup de remèdes pour résoudre des problèmes chez les hommes dans la sphère sexuelle qui aideraient instantanément. Même il y a 50 ans, il n'y avait pas du tout de tels médicaments, et la dysfonction érectile était considérée comme une condition difficile à traiter. Maintenant, un homme peut simplement avaler un comprimé de Viagra, et en moins d'une heure il sera en mesure d'obtenir une érection stable et ferme, suffisante pour compléter les rapports sexuels pénétrants
ILP is the parent and creator of the award-winning and nationally acclaimed practical and emotional support TRIP Model. TRIP is the innovative, self-directed mileage reimbursement transportation service for special needs or specifically defined populations. TRIP is easy to start and easy to operate. Because it is cost efficient and highly effective, communities across the United States are adapting the model to provide meaningful transportation for previously unserved or underserved residents.
Eula Robertson-Ray, President
Retired Executive Director Network Systems, Verizon Wireless, technical and managerial experience with executive level responsibilities in planning, engineering, design, implementation, budget management, project management, network and information technology.
Ivet Woolridge, Vice President
Chief Operating Officer
Independent Living Partnership; General Manager, TRIP Program; Joined ILP following graduation from the University of California, Riverside as an Administrative Specialist in 2006; Became assistant to the director in 2008 and promoted to TRIP Program Operations Manager in 2011.
Kevin R. Dunlap, Treasurer
Owner, jk designs of california; Co-Author, TripTrak Software for Windows, Former Information Technology Officer and Departmental Systems Specialist, County of Riverside; Worship Leader, The Grove Community Church, Riverside, California.
Fern Handy-Gibson-Secretary
Outreach Coordinator for the Home of Possibilities. She also serves as a Community Organizer for the Order of the Eastern Star, which is the world’s largest fraternal organization. Ms. Gibson is accomplished and dedicated to mental health causes and community service. She brings program and policy skills, social outreach and strategic planning experience to her work with ILP. She has a deep interest in ILP’s TRIP transportation model and practice.
Transportation of America is helping local leaders come together and ensure that states and the federal government invest in smart, homegrown, locally-driven transportation solutions.