Frequently Asked Questions
The TRIP model delivers the most transportation assistance at the lowest expense. It allows service programs to be scaled up or down as required by available resources. It empowers passengers, helps build and strengthen social networks, and helps people to continue to live independently in their own homes. It is attractive to funders and endearing to those it serves.
The TRIP model has a record of proven effectiveness over many years, many millions of miles, and millions of volunteer assisted trips. It simplifies volunteer recruitment by helping passengers recruit their own drivers, resulting in low cost and low program risk. Because passengers and volunteers arrange their own rides, scheduling costs are non-existent. It is an extremely efficient method of focusing volunteer effort on an effective transportation solution that will work almost anywhere.
We have included answers to the questions we have previously been asked, but you might have another question that we have not answered, or you might want additional clarification of one or more subjects. We are glad to answer more questions. If you do not find an answer to a question in the information provided, please email us at – be sure to ask your question in detail and provide your name, your employer or the organization with which you are affiliated, your position, and a daytime phone number. We will generally respond to particular questions by email, but may call instead if we feel a one-on-one discussion will be more helpful.