The TRIP Model
The TRIP Model was designed as a low-cost, low-maintenance, customer driven approach for providing transportation for older adults. It is located in Riverside California and was the outcome of a collaborative partnership between the non-profit Independent Living Partnership (sponsor of the program), the local Area Agency on Aging, and the regional planning organization.
The service provides transportation to older adults and people with disabilities. Passengers recruit their own drivers and rides are arranged between passengers and their drivers. The organization of the TRIP service results in very limited staff and infrastructure. During 2009, over 100,000 rides were provided at a cost per ride of $4.96.
The three basic elements of the model (sponsor, passengers, and drivers) interact in a manner that results in administrative efficiency and cost effectiveness. The model creates an “arm’s length relationship” between the program sponsor and the driver. According to risk management professionals and insurers, this characteristic has the potential of limiting liability because:
- drivers are not recruited or managed by the program;
- the program does not own vehicles; and
- staff do not schedule rides